A young couple, Mark and Catherine, travel on a small plane and are forced to land in a remote town where people behave strangely. Then, they try to escape from the city, but discover that there is a force-field giant bubble around it, similar to glass, which does not allow anyone to leave.
An animated film of the session is Boo Moon: Casper the Friendly Ghost (directors: Seymour Natel and Izzy Sparber, USA, 1954). It’s a film about the adventures of a friendly ghost named Casper on the Moon.
N.A. Mayorov, a film critic and director-cameraman will present the films and talk about Stereoscopic Cinema. Nikolai Anatolyevich has been studying the history of the development of cinematographic systems and the digital films restoration for many years.
Screenings of 3D films will be held in the cinema hall of the new building of the Tsiolkovsky State Museum from April 12 to 16. The exact date will be available on the website of the Tsiolkovsky ISFF after the publication of the Festival program