2024-03-12 08:50

‘Embracing the World’ documentary to be the opening film of th 5th ISFF ‘Tsiolkovsky’

This year, we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Earth’s first cosmonaut – Yuri Gagarin.

‘Embracing the World’ is dedicated to Yuri Alekseevich [Gagarin]. It shows the importance of Gagarin’s image for the world, and underlines the idea that his persona and his achievement are the legacy of the whole world, honored by people all over the globe. The film is being made by ANO '9th of May' (rus. ANO '9 Maya') with the help of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, ROSCOSMOS corporation, the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, 'Rossotrudnichestvo', the ethnographic park-museum ETHNOMIR and International Public Charity Fund 'Dialogue of Cultures - United World'.

Since 2011, in memory of Gagarin's achievement, the fund gifts sculptures dedicated to Gagarin to different nations. As of today, sculptures and busts of Gagarin can be found in more than 60 countries across the world.

The fund’s president Ruslan Bairamov also founded the new Grand Prix 'Gagarin', and the prize itself is a figure of Gagarin with his hands raised up to the sky; it is a copy of the monument standing near the State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics in Kaluga.

The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival in 2024 is held with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Roscosmos State Corporation and the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, the Government and the Ministry of Culture of the Kaluga Region, the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, the Association of Planetariums of Russia, the Nika TV Company and other public and commercial organizations.

TASS is the main media partner of the festival.