2024-02-13 22:17

“Embracing the world” documentary will include an interview with Alexander Alexandrov

Among those who, by now, have taken part in the making of “Embracing the world”, there are cosmonauts and space industry workers, Yuri Gagarin’s eldest daughter Elena, and the president of the international charity fund ‘Dialogue of cultures – United World’ Ruslan Bairamov. Another important part of it is an interview with the 55th Soviet cosmonaut and twice Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrov.

Standing in the the RKK Energiya museum, near Yuri Gagarin’s space capsule, Alexander Alexandrov recalled his reaction to the first ever human flight into space, Gagarin-inspired traditions and his personal experience in space exploration.

Alexander Alexandrov took two space flights and, in total, spent 309 days, 18 hours and 2 minutes in space. Has his opinion on the first-ever cosmonaut of the world and the Universe’s 108-minute flight changed? The answer to this question will also be included in the documentary. Alexander Alexandrov stressed the importance and the necessity of holding the space film festival and wished Tsiolkovsky ISFF good luck.

The documentary “Embracing the world” is being filmed by ANO ‘9th of May’ with the help of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives.

The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival in 2024 is held with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Roscosmos State Corporation and the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, the Government and the Ministry of Culture of the Kaluga Region, the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, the Association of Planetariums of Russia, the Nika TV Company and other public and commercial organizations.

TASS is the main media partner of the festival.