Благодаря технологиям Virtual Production в студии XOVP - EXTRAORDINARY VIRTUAL PRODUCTION "Солисты Москвы" и Юрий Башмет оказались в открытом космосе на маленькой планете в окружении астероидов и других космических объектов.
Video created especially for the Closing Ceremony of the 2021 Festival season
Chamber ensemble "Soloists of Moscow".
Creative director, conductor and soloist - Yuri Bashmet.
Extract from the play "Don't leave your planet" by Kuzma Bodrov.
Video created by studio XOVP.
"Soloists of Moscow" and Yuri Bashmet find themselves in space, on a small planet surrounded by asteroids and other cosmic bodies, with the help of Virtual Production technologies at XOVP - EXTRAORDINARY VIRTUAL PRODUCTION STUDIO.