2023-12-28 20:51

The results of 2023!

On the New Year ’s Eve, we would like to sum up the results of 2023! What was 2023 like for the festival?

This year, the festival about space, its exploration and impact on human life was held for the fourth time, as usually, in Kaluga and Kaluga region.

During the festival, from April 12th to 16th, 95 films were shown in different programs!

7 full-length feature films

The Grand Prix "Korolev" for the best director's work was awarded to the film "Mira" by Russian director Dmitry Kiselyov,

The Grand Prix of the "Klushantsev" for the best special effects was awarded to "Moon Man" directed by Zhang Chiyu from China,

The best full-length feature film was the "Journey to the West" by Chinese director Dashan Kong,

The film "Chronos" by Russian directors Roman Prosvirnin and Dmitry Abolmasov won two awards - the Prize of the President of the Festival and the Prize of Journalists,

The audience Award was awarded to the film "Kazakhs against Aliens" directed by Alain Niyazbekov from Kazakhstan,

A special prize – the flag of the festival, which has been in space – was awarded to the film " The stars will guide me " by Russian director Philip Abryutin.

12 short feature films

The best film in this category was "From the Stars" directed by Eduardo Serrato Rodriguez from Mexico.

Program Director Igor Prokopenko reminded that statistically, the largest number of documentaries produced in the world is those about space.

Hence the abundance in the documentary section of the festival:

7 full-length documentaries

The main award of the Festival, the Tsiolkovsky Grand Prix, was awarded to the film "Apollo-Soyuz. The Force of Attraction" by Russian director Dmitry Aleynikov,

The best full-length documentary was the film of Armenian director Armen Petrosyan "Abram Alikhanov. Music of Cosmic Rainfalls",

The prize of the Roscosmos State Corporation, a statuette made of a metal fragment of a real space vehicle, was awarded to the film "Freedom Squared" by Russian director Anastasia Zverkova,

The prize of the governor of the Kaluga Region was given to the film "Space over the Yenisei" by Russian director Elina Astrakhantseva.

9 short documentaries

The best short documentary was the one of Andrei and Nikolai Istratovs "Cosmic Voyage: Into The Sun"

20 animated films

The winners in the nomination "Best Animated Short Film" were two films by Russian directors - "Gone into the Stellar Depth" by Sergei Anfinogentov and "Conguest of S287-KL" by Anton Granik,

Best animated film for children was "Vimana voyage" directed by Artur Navarro from Brazil,

The prize from the city of Kaluga, which was awarded for the first time in 2023, was awarded to the animated musical "Stars of the Seventh Sky" directed by Elena Turova from Belarus.

5 films of the full-dome programme

The best full-dome film was the popular science film of Large Novosibirsk Planetarium "Listening to the Universe".

A special prize for his great contribution to Russian documentaries and work at the Tsiolkovsky Festival was awarded to documentarian, journalist, TV presenter, writer Igor Prokopenko, programme director of the festival.

Additionally, during these 5 days, 24 partner films were shown at the festival and 11 retrospective screenings were held.

Among the partner programs were films provided by Roscosmos Media, the Russian Cosmonautics Federation, films from the Alexander Pechersky Foundation, the RTD documentary TV channel and the Unity Foundation film.

In 2023, the festival grew – new venues appeared, the number of visitors increased, and programmes and screenings became even more diverse and interesting. In 2023, we all took part in our "challenge". The impossible today will be possible tomorrow.