2024-03-05 21:08

Seven full-dome films will be screened at the V Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival

The V Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival will be held in Kaluga from April 12 to 16. Traditionally, the main venue for the International Space Festival is the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics.

The full-dome cinema programme remains one of the most popular events of the festival from year to year. This year it has seven films to present, four of which are competitive. Famous Russian scientists will give a lecture about each film screening in the planetarium of the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics. The director of the full–dome programme is Andrey Lobanov, co-chairman of the Russian Planetariums Association.

Admission to all events of the Tsiolkovsky International Film Festival is free, however, guests must register in advance on the website and get an invitation card at the press center.

Registration will open in the second half of March 2024, when the full program of the festival will have already been announced. In the meantime, we can take a closer look at full-dome films which will be shown at the International Film Festival this year.

Stars of the Great Victory. Astronomy during World War II and the Great Patriotic War, Russia, 2021, 29:15 min.
Maksimachev Planetarium

The film tells us about little-known facts related to the events of the Second World War and how the peaceful science of astronomy helped the Great Victory.
You will learn how to check the time with the help of the Sun and the Moon; how the lunar tides helped the success of combat operations and much more.
"Stars of the Great Victory" is the result of painstaking work with archival materials. The film shows that astronomy in war is not only an aid to pilots and scouts in orientation, but also an important tool for large–scale military operations.

The Galaxy and its Inhabitants, Russia, 2024, 40 min.
Association of Planetariums of Russia

"The Galaxy and its Inhabitants" is a film about what we currently know about our star system, the Milky Way galaxy.
What is the shape, size and mass of the Galaxy? How many stars are there in it? What other components besides stars are included in its composition? How do they interact with each other, and how does this affect our lives?
You will learn the answers to these and many other questions in the film.

Eve, Russia, 2024, 35 min.
The Large Novosibirsk Planetarium

The film is set in the future. Due to overpopulation on Earth, an unprecedented programme is being launched to populate the planet in another star system. The first mission sent dies at the very beginning, jeopardizing the entire programme.
For almost ten years, the daughter of the commander of the first expedition, Eve Prim, has been correcting her father's mistakes and trying to find a real new home for the mankind.
"Eve" is an experimental film by The Large Novosibirsk Planetarium. Instead of a classic popular science film, the creators decided to write a dramatic story centered on a man and include the latest scientific data in it. You will find out how they did it in April.

Supermassive Black Holes: Uncovering the Invisible, Greece, 21:30 min.
BiD4BEST, Theofanis Matsopoulos

Leading scientists in observational and theoretical studies of black holes and galaxies, industrial experts in cutting-edge big technologies, and professionals in science dissemination have been brought together to set up research projects which will combine the latest state-of-the-art observations, numerical simulations and innovative analytic tools to compare theory with observations and shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution.
This film presents the environments of the black holes in an impressive and understandable way to the audience.

LIMBOTOPIA in DOME, Taiwan, 2023, 20 min.

LIMBOTOPIA in Dome refers to an imagined world where time seems to stand still: a static and often hopeless present, suspended between the poles of utopia and dystopia. After an environmental crisis in contemporary Taiwan, participants become passengers journeying through one such monochromatic eternity, submerged in phantasmagorical animations merging the microscopic and the monumental.
Premiering at Tribeca with its VR 360 version, Hsieh Wen-Yee transforms this work into a fully immersive dome experience, which redefines the laws of gravity and perspective. Hypnotic imagery and an atmospheric electronic soundscape conjure a liminal space between dream and nightmare, between abstraction and annihilation.
The result is eerie, innovative, and utterly spellbinding.

Sida Tsoatsoas - Our Beginning, South Africa, 2021, 12:47 min.
Telmo dos Reis

Sida Tsoatsoas is a full dome film that combines live-action and animation sequences to transport audiences to the iconic red dunes and expansive saltpans of the Kalahari in Southern Africa.
We share in the unique storytelling techniques of the ǂKhomani people who share insight into their culture.
In Sida Tsoatsoas, we delve into one of the almost lost folklore stories of our beginnings through immersive glimpses into the lives of the ǂKhomani. In addition, we try to understand what we could lose if we don’t take a moment to reflect on the global sense of Ubuntu. This was a very special project in that we were able to keep this story alive through this film. – tells the director.

The Earth Above: a deep time view of Australia's epic history, Australia, 2024, 28 min.
The Ruwe Collective

Australian First Nations tell of a solid sky dome around the Earth. After we die, we’re transported beyond the dome to join our ancestors. On Earth we see our ancestors as stars shining through holes in the cover of the dome. 'The Earth Above: A Deep Time View of Australia's Epic History' follows the ancestors on a journey from the dome and deep into Country.
We move across ancient Superhighways connecting the entire continent of Australia, sharing deep time stories illuminated by new relationships between emerging research and First Nation’s knowledge
The Ruwe Collective come from every nation represented in this story - from saltwater country in the far north of Australia to the lakes and mountains of the south.

The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival in 2024 is held with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Roscosmos State Corporation and the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, the Government and the Ministry of Culture of the Kaluga Region, the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, the Association of Planetariums of Russia, the Nika TV Company and other public and commercial organizations.

TASS is the main media partner of the festival.