2021-09-25 23:08

The Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives supported The International Space Film Festival Tsiolkovsky!

On September 23, the Coordinating Committee took stock of the results of the first competition for grants of the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of projects in the field of culture, art and creative industries.
Almost 1,500 projects received grant support. The International Space Film Festival Tsiolkovsky has become one of them. 

We can now say with certainty that the International Festival of Cinema, Science and Space - the Tsiolkovsky ISFF will start in Kaluga on Cosmonautics Day, April 12, 2022. For five days, Kaluga will become a scientific and creative cinema venue, where famous actors, directors and representatives of the global creative and scientific community will gather. Kaluga and Kaluga Region guests and residents will be able to watch the best examples of modern and classical Soviet and foreign space cinema, get acquainted with the achievements of the space regions of Russia and take part in festival events. 

Tsiolkovsky is a film festival of feature, documentary, full-dome, animated, short films and series about space and its exploration. It reflects the current state of space-related cinematography, covers and popularizes all possible areas of science and art related to space.

"For the third time, here in Kaluga - in the cradle of cosmonautics – there will be a large-scale space film forum, uniting science and the film industry, where all directions of world cinema art will be presented and cinematographers, cosmonauts and scientists of the space industry will be invited. There will be lots of Space. But you must agree that there is no such thing as too much Space, it is magnificent, diverse and genuine...," - Igor Ugolnikov, President of the ISFF.